About the company
Capsule was launched in 2009 following the founders' frustration with existing CRM services that were either overly simplistic or far too complex for most businesses. We believe the value of a modern CRM lies in the ability to help businesses stay organized, know more about their customers, build strong relationships and to make the most of sales opportunities, all while minimizing user input. We built Capsule to deliver on these values and today Capsule is used by thousands of businesses of all sizes all over the world.
We're based in Manchester, United Kingdom, a city with a creative heart that was founded on science and industry and the birthplace of the modern computer.
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recommend this company
Dave Austin
5.0on November 12, 2020
Fun place to work at
You work at your own time. No stress. Although finding jobs are really hard as an entry-level individual with no experience. But I have found 2 jobs without needing any experience.
Brian Ortega
3.0on October 25, 2020
Capsule is for contracted freelance writers
It was difficult getting the person I was reporting to to explain what it was they wanted me to do. Trello board was all over the place. Some use word, some use Google docs. There was more time spent *hours* researching and minimal pay for articles. 1 cent per word is not acceptable compared to the research behind it. Applying for jobs costs "contacts" and it's very difficult to get anyone who posts jobs to answer you once you apply, therefore you waste contacts applying. There are alot of unverified payments from people searching for writing help. Be leery and watch what you apply for.
Maria Williams
5.0on October 19, 2020
Excellent Company
They have a great training program, I felt very comfortable with my day to day tasks. Very low turn over, management always is available if you have any questions.
Alex Walters
4.0on July 04, 2020
Productive and fun Workplace
I'm Diplomatic, personable, and adept at managing sensitive situations. Highly organized, self-motivated, with computers. I'm likeable delecated student of Software Engineering.
Kurtis Blade
5.0on March 01, 2020
Nice place
I learned a lot of things while working at this job. A decent workplace to be. Managment is okay and my coworkers we just fine. Very good for beginners.
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Interview insights
Insights from 209 Front Job users who have interviewed with Capsule within the last 5 years.
Interview experience:
Interview difficulty:
Interview process length:
About a day or two
Interview process length
About a day or two
About a week
About two weeks
More than one month
About a month
What candidates say about the interview process at Capsule

" My personal details, like, full name, location, and phone numbers. "

" What my skills are and what I can offer to them. "

" If I know how to do certain job functions. "