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Christina started his recruitment career on the agency side. Since then, she’s built a career helping customers get the most out of HR technology. She’s currently a Customer Success Specialist at Space and spends her time speaking to in-house recruiters all over the world - helping them solve their recruitment challenges, and get the most out of our talent acquisition software.
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<p>Christina started his recruitment career on the agency side. Since then, she’s built a career helping customers get the most out of HR technology. She’s currently a Customer Success Specialist at Space and spends her time speaking to in-house recruiters all over the world - helping them solve their recruitment challenges, and get the most out of our talent acquisition software.</p>
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Component #2

Christina Kray
Christina started his recruitment career on the agency side. Since then, she’s built a career helping customers get the most out of HR technology. She’s currently a Customer Success Specialist at Space and spends her time speaking to in-house recruiters all over the world - helping them solve their recruitment challenges, and get the most out of our talent acquisition software.
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<p>Christina started his recruitment career on the agency side. Since then, she’s built a career helping customers get the most out of HR technology. She’s currently a Customer Success Specialist at Space and spends her time speaking to in-house recruiters all over the world - helping them solve their recruitment challenges, and get the most out of our talent acquisition software.</p>
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Maria Williams
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Component #6
About the instructor

- 4.87 Instructor rating
- 1,533 reviews
- 23,912 students
- 29 courses
Nataly Gaga
Head of Data Science, Pierian Data Inc.
Nataly Gaga has a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Santa Clara University and years of experience as a professional instructor and trainer for Data Science and programming. She has publications and patents in various fields such as microfluidics, materials science, and data science technologies.
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<li><i class="bi-star dropdown-item-icon"></i> 4.87 Instructor rating</li>
<li><i class="bi-chat-left-dots dropdown-item-icon"></i> 1,533 reviews</li>
<li><i class="bi-person dropdown-item-icon"></i> 23,912 students</li>
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<h4 class="mb-1"><a href="../demo-course/author-profile.html">Nataly Gaga</a></h4>
<p class="fw-semibold">Head of Data Science, Pierian Data Inc.</p>
<p>Nataly Gaga has a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from Santa Clara University and years of experience as a professional instructor and trainer for Data Science and programming. She has publications and patents in various fields such as microfluidics, materials science, and data science technologies.</p>
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